Barnes & Noble Online Coupons & Discount Codes

Barnes & Noble Coupons — 85% Off October 2024

Today's Barnes & Noble 85% Off Coupon Codes

Up to 85% off at with Barnes & Noble 85% off coupons and discount codes for October 2024.

Up to 85% Off with Coupons & Deals

• 29 uses • Ongoing
No coupon code needed. Prices as marked. Tap to shop the sale now.
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Up to 85% Off with Coupons, Promo Codes & Deals

• 107 uses • Ongoing
No coupon code needed. Prices as marked. Tap to shop the sale now.
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Up to 85% Off eBooks & Audiobooks

• 2 uses • Valid until 11/01/2023
Online only! Season's Readings! Get Up to 85% Off eBooks & Audiobooks
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Up to 85% Off EBooks & Audiobooks

• Verified coupon • 3 uses • Valid until 07/31/2023
Online only! Book Your Summer Escape! Get up to 85% Off eBooks & Audiobooks.
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Up to 85% Off Spine Chilling Reads

• Verified coupon • 2 uses • Ongoing
Get up to 85% Off Spine Chilling Thrillers eBooks & Audiobooks Reads.
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Can I combine Barnes & Noble 85% off coupons?

Yes, you can combine Barnes & Noble coupons or deals with promo codes. You can use more than one Barnes & Noble 85% off coupon and stack the discounts.

Where can I find 85% off Barnes & Noble coupons?

Barnes & Noble offers 85% off coupons and discount codes which you can find listed on this page. You can also find sales and other promotions for Barnes & Noble here as well.

How many coupons is Barnes & Noble offering 85% off today?

Currently, Barnes & Noble is running 85% off promo codes in 5 total offers, redeemable for savings at their website

What's today's best Barnes & Noble 85% off coupon?

Today's biggest Barnes & Noble promo code is 'Up to 85% Off with Coupons & Deals'. The coupons you see at the top of this page will always show the best Barnes & Noble discount codes first. Generally, the best codes are store-wide deals that can be used on any purchase at

About Barnes & Noble Coupons

Barnes & Noble is an iconic retailer that specializes in selling books, eBooks for the brand’s eReader (NOOK) and magazines. However, this bookstore sells so much more than just reading materials. It’s also a great place to shop for music, movies, toys, games and gifts. As a result, shoppers love coming here to treat themselves and pick up presents for holidays and special occasions.

The wide variety of products and offerings from Barnes & Noble is just one of the standout features of this bookstore. The great prices, special offers, Barnes & Noble coupons and the great membership club also keep loyal customers coming back for more. Shoppers also appreciate the options for free shipping and curbside pickup.


When shopping at Barnes & Noble, customers can get free standard shipping when they add $40 or more of eligible items to their order. Items that can help shoppers reach the free shipping threshold are listed online as “Eligible for FREE SHIPPING.”

It’s important to note that Barnes & Noble free shipping only applies to orders shipped within the United States. Additionally, several types of items are not eligible for free shipping. Some examples include gift cards, magazines, digital products, Barnes & Noble Membership and items that are oversized or overweight.

In-Store Pickup

Barnes & Noble offers both in-store and curbside pickup options for shoppers, and the process to take advantage of either option is simple:

  • Place an order and select “Free Store Pickup” on the product page or in the cart.
  • Receive a “Ready for Pick Up” message within two hours.
  • Go to the store and show the “Ready for Pickup” email or text for in-store pickup.
  • Go to the store and provide your name, order number and vehicle make and model for curbside pickup.

  • Return Policy

    When it comes to returns, Barnes & Noble allows for returns and exchanges of eligible items within 30 days of purchase. This applies to items returned with a receipt to the store or through the mail. Shoppers can return an item with a gift receipt within 60 days of purchase.

    It’s important to know some items cannot be returned. Some examples include NOOK digital content and other downloaded purchases, gift cards and shrink-wrapped items that have been opened. Shoppers also cannot return bulk orders of 50 or more copies.

    Annual Sales

    Barnes & Noble is always running multiple sales, which shoppers can find on the Coupons and Deals page of the retailer’s website. Some examples include 30% off hardcover bestsellers and 40% off select pre-orders for Barns & Noble Members.

    One of the best sales of the year is the Black Friday and Cyber Monday sale. During this savings extravaganza, customers can enjoy freebies with certain purchases, generous dollar and percent off offers and special gift card deals.

    Membership Program

    Barnes & Noble Member program is only $25 a year to join. Customers who become a Barnes & Noble Member enjoy exclusive benefits that bookworms everywhere will love:

  • Exclusive in-store and online offers that are just for members.
  • Free shipping with no minimum purchase required.
  • 40% off hardcover bestsellers when purchased in the store.
  • 10% off the lowest price of an in-store purchase, including magazines and café items.
  • Early access to special sales and savings events.
  • 10% off all regular priced NOOK devices and accessories.
  • A special birthday offer that’s valid during birthday month.

  • eBooks

    Barnes & Noble offers a competitor to Amazon’s Kindle, and it’s called the NOOK. This little eReader packs a punch, as it can hold thousands of titles and includes features like a scratch- and fingerprint-resistant screen. People also love that the NOOK reads like paper even in direct sunlight.

    NOOK owners can pick up different accessories for their eReaders, including cases and charging cables. There are also plenty of eBooks to download and enjoy. One of the best ways to get a great deal on NOOK eBooks is to check out the NOOK Daily Find.

    Gift Cards

    Barnes & Noble sells both eGift cards and physical gift cards. They come in a variety of designs and styles, so it’s easy to find the right one for any occasion. Additionally, shoppers can pick a whole-dollar amount between $10 and $350 per card.

    We have 5 Barnes & Noble 85% off coupon codes today, good for discounts at - shoppers save up to 85% on purchases with coupons at

    How do I use Barnes & Noble 85% off discount code?

    First, copy the discount code by clicking the code on this page. Then head to Barnes & Noble's website at and enter the code in the coupon code entry box during checkout. You will see either a confirmation message of your savings or an error if the code did not work.

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